Emotional Support Animal Evaluation

At Hope Village Wellness Center, we value the companionship and stability that our pets bring into our lives.  We now provide Emotional Support Animal (ESA) evaluations and letters for qualifying clients. The Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are federal laws that give rights to animals that assist their owners with mental, or emotional distress. Examples of qualifying conditions include: PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias. Your clinician will evaluate your symptoms and the pet's ability to help alleviate symptoms of your mental, or emotional health disability. Upon qualification, your clinician will provide you with an ESA letter identifying your pet as an Emotional Support Animal. 


1. What kind of pets can qualify as an Emotional Support Animal?

    Currently our licensed clinicians can evaluate cats and dogs to be ESAs.

2. How long does the evaluation take?

    Our clinicians believe that a minimum of three sessions are needed to properly evaluate a client's qualification for an ESA. However, it is best to continue therapy services to address mental health concerns. 

3. How much does the ESA Letter cost?

    The ESA letter does not have a separate fee. However, you will be responsible for session fees, or copays based on your mental health insurance coverage. 

4. What happens if I do not meet qualifications for an ESA letter?

    If a client does not meet criteria for a qualifying mental, or emotional health disability, your clinician will not be able to provide you with an ESA letter.  
