The EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI) © was developed in the field to treat recent events (even hours after the critical incident) or prolonged adverse experiences where related stressful events continue for an extended time and where there is no post-trauma safety period for traumatic memory consolidation (ongoing traumatic stress). This evidence-based protocol can be used with patients who have been through prolonged, repeated, or multiple traumatic events or circumstances.
Dr Jarero and Lucia Artiga developed the EMDR Protocol for Recent Critical Incidents and Ongoing Traumatic Stress (EMDR-PRECI)©, an AIP-informed treatment procedures in a group, individual, and remote formats that has been provided worldwide with thousands of natural or human provoked disaster survivors and populations with recent, present or past prolonged adverse experiences.
Accordig to Dr Jarero, “the continuum of external traumatic events creates a cumulative trauma exposure memory network, of linked pathogenic memories with similar emotional, somatic (body sensations), sensorial (the five senses), and cognitive information (thoughts and beliefs), that does not give the cumulative traumatic memory network sufficient time to consolidate into an integrated whole. Thus, this network of linked pathogenic memories remains in a permanent excitatory state as a short-term memory, expanding with each subsequent traumatic event to the first traumatic experience in this continuum (analogous to the ripple effect of a pebble thrown into a pond) that extends into the present moment, and often producing maladaptive/catastrophic concerns about the future or flash-forwards.”